
Mail address*:

CompoTec – Marcin Krugły
Plac Wojska Polskiego 151/m.7
05-075 Warszawa-Wesoła, Poland

*CompoTec does not run stationary shop and does not offer direct pick-up of orders at the above address.

Email address (works w/ PayPal):

Bank accounts:

Bank name and address: Bank Pekao S.A, 1st branch in Mińsk Mazowiecki, street Warszawska 133, 05-300 Mińsk Mazowiecki, Poland
Account number in PLN: PL 44 1240 2702 1111 0011 3744 8932
Account number in EUR: PL 70 1240 2702 1978 0011 3744 8958
Account number in USD: PL 13 1240 2702 1787 0011 3744 8961
IBAN code: 1240

Quick contact

Please write your contact details and message to us below. We will do our best to answer as soon as possible.

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